Three Reasons why you should attend a Learning Conference this year

Attending a curated learning conference like e-Health 2023 can be a deeply enriching experience.
As the world begins a slow return to normal, live events are making a welcome comeback, especially for isolated work-from-home professionals looking forward to the benefits of in-person learning and networking. Read on for three good reasons to love in-person learning conferences.
- Networking
Conferences provide interconnectedness and the opportunity to draw on and contribute to our collective digital health knowledge. Breakthrough ideas germinate when we can ask each other questions; casual conversations can give rise to creative insights. Maybe a passing conversation in the hallway sparks fresh inspiration or an unexpected presentation brings clarity to a difficult subject.
In-person networking opens the door to creating meaningful, long-lasting professional relationships that contribute to your own career growth and give you the opportunity to mentor and support others.
The connections you make at conferences like e-Health create space to talk about shared challenges and strategies for success. Learning from others’ (or sharing your own) experiences brings invaluable lessons.
- Learning and growth
e-Health attracts skilled digital health professionals with unique knowledge and experiences to share. The people you meet at e-Health come from diverse sectors and professional levels, from healthcare delivery practitioners to IM/IT solution executives; from academics to government officials. This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and grow. Take advantage by soaking up the knowledge being shared. Ask questions after a presentation, inquire about new technologies on the trade show floor, or connect with professionals whose work inspires you. There is always something more to learn.
- Reignite your passion for Digital Health
Health professionals work hard in an important and demanding profession, and the past two years have been exceptionally draining—recharging the batteries is essential. Attending a learning conference like e-Health offers the opportunity to “refill the well” of depleted energy. Find motivation from engaging with peers who think differently or challenge the status quo. Gain energy from fresh inspiration, new outlooks, and different viewpoints. Revitalize your professional passion and return to work ready to tackle the next challenge.
Plus, don’t forget that conferences are fun! This is your opportunity to enjoy socializing with like-minded individuals, share your own passion and knowledge, and bask in the brilliance of others. Enjoy!